I never had brussel sprouts as a child. And due to everything you hear about them as a child, I determined to never try them if I was given the opportunity. The opportunity never really presented itself until about two years ago, where I tried them at a lovely restaurant called J. Alexander’s. I had never had anything at J’s that I did not like, so I recklessly thought, why not! Well, I don’t know about all brussel sprout preparations, but these are good! I was determined to always make brussel sprouts this way and make vegetable converts of those around me!
Crispy Oven Fries & Bistro Sauce
This is the sequel to last week’s post! The delicious, crispy, herb drenched fries and the sauce that cannot be described, only consumed. This sauce is inspired by Nordstrom’s Cafe Bistro, who serves it with their own crispy, herb drenched fries. My husband and I were introduced to Cafe Bistro years ago and have fallen in love with it. They have great salads, sandwiches, pizzas, and desserts! We seriously refer to this pink dip as “Heaven Sauce” in our household, and it has caught on with friends who love the Cafe as much as we do.
Caprese Grilled Cheese Sandwich
Ok. April is National Grilled Cheese Month?! This is why I was born in this month. Thanks, Mom! To celebrate, I made a killer lunch yesterday for me & my husband. I love simple grilled cheese, I even like wheat toast, vegan butter, and veggie cheese grilled cheese – it’s salty and delicious. But I wanted to make a fancy grilled cheese, you know. Cuz it’s National Grilled Cheese Month. It was so good I can’t even describe. The picture is nice, but you can’t see all the gooey goodness that’s inside. You’ll just have to make it. Today. Or at least before May 1st.