Independence Day is one of my favorite holidays! I’m proud to be an American and slightly embarrassed to admit that I cry at nearly any patriotic song. I love the lyrics & music to patriotic songs, I’m grateful for the men & women who put their lives on the line for our freedom, I really enjoy summer grilling, and having game night and fireworks with friends and family each year is priceless to me. So, in anticipation for this great day, I’ve got a light, healthy dessert for you. (Because we all know the meal preceding Independence Day dessert is anything but light!)
Peach Pancakes – Protein Style
We love breakfast at our house! Even breakfast for dinner! (Though some tired hours this means a bowl of cereal, but anyways…) We also are working on our fitness so I’ve been trying to figure out how to sneak protein into everything! I’ve made protein pancakes before – even vegan versions, but I decided to whip these up since eggs and Greek yogurt are notorious for their high protein. They turned out pretty delicious!!! And at about 100 calories, 13 carbs, and 12g protein each, you can indulge in several and not feel guilty!
Black Bean Hummus
Hummus is a staple in our household. (If you didn’t already figure that out from my Garlic Hummus recipe.) We eat it with pita chips & vegetables, and also use it as a spread on sandwiches or tortilla wraps. Hummus is so versatile you can make it fit with whatever flavor food you’re preparing. I make black bean hummus a lot because I always have black beans in the pantry and we eat Spanish food so much that this is perfect! I love this recipe because it can be made in less than 10 minutes. Plus, with all the Puerto Ricans we know who are a little shy of chick peas, this is a great gateway hummus.