It is nearly fall. Really, this just means I am excited for the return of pumpkin spice lattes and caramel pumpkin latte candles. And of course, yummy sweet potatoes! Between you and me, this is just a sneaky way to eat sweet potatoes outside of an official meal.
These are really easy and super healthy. For those of you who are concerned about health or follow Bob Harper, you know he has published his book Skinny Rules, which gives 20 guidelines to help with overall health and wellbeing. One of his rules is to say goodbye to white potatoes. Though I did not usually keep white potatoes in my pantry, this was enough for me to embrace sweet potatoes and blue potatoes. That combined with the fact that my household runs on chips – tortilla chips, pita chips, falafel chips, pretzel chips, oh my – inspired me to try baking a new, fresh twist on a chip. And I love that it has very few ingredients!
Sweet Potato Chips
makes 2-3 servings
2 medium sweet potatoes
2T olive oil
1/2t paprika
1/2t chili powder
1/2t sea salt
1/4t cinnamon
1/4t nutmeg
Check out the seasonings and spices. These could be switched up if you’d like, but I love this combination for sweet potatoes!
First preheat the oven to 400 then wash and scrub sweet potatoes, then slice thinly and evenly. A mandolin would work well for this, but since I didn’t have one, I resorted to cutting them by hand with a knife. I tried a potato peeler for really thin slices, but it only worked on the skinny ends of the potato, so I used the knife primarily. This didn’t result in the most perfectly even cut, but I was pretty close.
You’ll want the slices as even as possible so they cook as evenly as possible.
Once the potatoes are cut, combine them with oil in a bowl or plastic bag and toss well to coat.
I used my fingers to ensure every piece had a light coat of oil on them.
Then, in the same bowl or bag add the spices and toss well to evenly coat.
Place slices evenly onto a baking sheet.
Bake for 10-12 minutes, then flip them over. This is how they look after about 10 minutes.
Continue baking for 10-12 additional minutes. Some pieces were crispy after that, others needed up to an additional 10 minutes. When they’re finished, they’re delicious hot or room temperature! Store in a covered container for a few days – if they last that long.

Cindy on September 17, 2012 at 1:24 pm said:
This look delicious like all of your recipes! Love your passion for healthy, yummy food! I’d love to try these!
Amandas Apron on September 22, 2012 at 4:54 pm said:
Thanks, Cindy!
katie on September 22, 2012 at 2:25 pm said:
This looks fabulous! I love sweet potato chips and love the spices you used to flavor these!
Amandas Apron on September 22, 2012 at 4:53 pm said:
Thanks so much! They’re pretty yummy!