Have you heard about the fastest, healthiest Thanksgiving side dish? No? Well, allow me to introduce you. Meet haricot verts (pronounce air-co-vair.) These little French green beans are fresh, delicious, and the perfect addition to any fall menu.
I made this last Thanksgiving, and it’s such a quick dish to prepare that I made it while all the other dishes were being plated.
Haricot Verts with Walnuts Recipe serves 4-6
12-14 ounces fresh French green beans
handful of walnuts
1-2T walnut oil
salt to taste
I lightly adapted this recipe from my Wholefoods app. I had never used walnut oil prior to trying out this recipe for the first time. I really like it! It has a milder flavor and thinner consistency than olive oil and is a great oil that would substitute well for butter.
Bring several cups of water and the green beans to a boil with a pinch of salt. Boil for just about 2 minutes. Meanwhile, toast the walnuts for 3-5 minutes in a 350 degree oven. As I’ve mentioned before, be careful when toasting nuts, since they burn very easily.
Drain the green beans and serve immediately with the toasted walnuts scattered on top, the walnut oil drizzled, and a little bit of salt sprinkled atop. And that’s it! If you will not be serving immediately, you can leave the green beans in their hot water on the cooling burner until ready to serve.
After I finished taking these pictures I left the kitchen for a few moments and returned to an empty platter. Husband clearly approved.

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