Happy Veteran’s Day! I’m so thankful to live in a country that is protected by brave men and women who are willing to put everything on the line for those of us who live in the United States!
In other news….I love quinoa! I love that it is a healthy ancient grain, that it is packed with protein and iron, and that it has a slightly nutty flavor to it.
I use it as a rice substitute, as a salad base, or as an oatmeal substitute. I love rice and oatmeal and all, but sometimes you gotta switch it up! This little round grain is the perfect mixer upper. Quinoa pairs well with spicy and savory, however, for breakfast the sweeter, nutty notes can be enhanced for a warming, filling start to the day.
Breakfast Quinoa Recipe serves 2
1C unsweetened almond milk, plus 2-4T more for garnish
1/2C uncooked quinoa
1/2C blueberries
1/2C chopped walnuts, toasted
1T maple syrup
1t vanilla extract
1 pinch of salt
Bring quinoa, 1 cup of almond milk, salt, and vanilla to a boil. Immediately reduce heat to medium-low and simmer in a covered saucepan for about 15 minutes or until the milk has been fully incorporated and the quinoa is tender, but still chewy.
Serve with a little extra almond milk poured over the quinoa, the blueberries and walnuts sprinkled across the bowl, and drizzle some maple syrup on top. Serve immediately while hot.
Though the quinoa doesn’t take long to cook and doesn’t need a baby sitter, this is a dish that is easily prepared the night before and reheats well in a jar or other container. Because of this, it makes it a great traveling dish, too!

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