My name is Amanda, and I am a sugar addict. I have been sober 9 days. In order to keep this up, since one of my 2013 resolutions is to have less sugar, I have created a guilt-free delicious sweet treat for me to enjoy whenever the sugar cravings arise.
These little pops are so quick and easy to make, it will be easy to satisfy your sweet tooth and your children’s, too!
Mango Strawberry Pomegranate Pop Recipe makes about 8 pops
1 large, ripe mango
4 ripe strawberries
4-6T pomegranate juice
1/4C water
First, I froze the pomegranate juice in my cute little heart ice cube tray. Hearts are fun. Hearts are valentiney. Hearts are one of the only ice cube shapes I have. Use what you’d like! I did this just so the pomegranate’s flavor stayed distinct, and note that I only filled the ice trays a tiny portion since I have a narrow popsicle mold.
While the juice was freezing, I peeled the mango. Actually, I slaughtered it. I still haven’t learned how to properly cut a mango. But it’s going into a blender anyway, so it doesn’t have to be a pretty process.
Puree the mango and water together until smooth in a blender or food processor.
I then washed and cut the strawberries. I was feeling artsy and decided to cut them into heart shapes, too. Aren’t they darling?
Combine the frozen pomegranate juice, strawberries, and mango puree into popsicle mold and freeze. You have just created a lovely tropical treat. Enjoy!

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