I am proud to report today is day 13 of my detox juice cleanse! I’ve been going strong…and I’m really looking forward to eating in a day! The longest time of juicing I’ve ever done has been three days, so to do two full weeks is a pretty good accomplishment. I feel really great, but I’m also looking forward to cooking again!
Last week I shared one of my favorite juice recipes with you. Here’s another I fell in love with these past two weeks. It is super tart and then has sweetness to it at the same time. The only way to describe it is a sweetart!
It’s also one of the prettiest juices. I can’t even make these colors up!
Sweetart Juice Recipe serves 1
3 large or 4 small plums
1 beet greens optional
Juice all ingredients together for your own natural, healthy, raw, sweetart juice! I am new to juiced beets, so I cut the peel off mine, including the hairy roots so the juice was a little less earthy.