In case you haven’t noticed, I have been on a writing sabbatical for the past few months due to a crazy busy season at work. I couldn’t be happier to be back than with a challenge! Motivated by creativity and deadlines, I bring you this fantastic risotto as part of the Very Vegetarian Recipe Challenge given by Plated and Oxo!
Protein Mashed Potatoes
I know what you’re thinking. Mashed potatoes are not a health food. And you’re right. But I have some fantastic news for you! You can now indulge without the bulge!!!
I came up with this idea partially on accident, partially after talking with Hanna, who has written a guest post for me here. She is a fitness pal of mine and talked about adding garbanzo beans to her mashed potatoes to give her extra protein.
Pioneer Woman’s Crash Hot Potatoes
Usually, I like to make recipes my own, but sometimes you just stumble upon one that doesn’t need any alterations. This simple recipe found on the Pioneer Woman’s site is delicious and perfect! It is a great side or even snack (since my husband and I grazed on them all day as I was putting this post together!)
I had two bags of tiny enchanted rose potatoes since they were BOGO at Publix recently. I knew I wanted something simple and this recipe fit that criteria.
Crash Hot Potato Recipe courtesy of Pioneer Woman, serves 4